After reading this, my new battle cry is “But Mom said I could!”

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“In every generation, a new wave of people demanded admittance, and those in positions of power were forced to make their panicky, on-the-spot calls between resistance or compromise, crackdowns or acquiescence, slowly retreating by grudging increments.”

…And so here we go again. Change is always spotty. Let’s pray no irreparable harm is done before these next four years can be over. Thanks for the perspective.

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such a good one Tim

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Thanks Tom Hart. Means a lot.

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Damn, this is so good. Take as many sanity breaks as you need, Tim, but don’t ever stop writing.

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Thank you, Tim. That was beautiful and hopeful.

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Love this one. Here’s hoping for more bungling and confusion in the service of the good.

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Thank you. I’ve been waiting for your take on recent events.

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I love this. Didn’t know the history of how the East Germans bungled the announcement. It reminds me, in a way, of the weekend when Gavin Newsom, then mayor of San Francisco, announced that the city would be issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. That wasn’t enough to settle the question of marriage equality, there were still plenty of roadblocks and plot twists on the way, but it was a significant move forward. I was in San Francisco at the time, and it felt like the mayor’s announcement (performative language) had released an unstoppable outpouring of love.

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Hello there, brother. Nice to see you here. Do you remember our father weeping as he watched the news footage of Germans dancing on the crumbling Wall?

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I most definitely do NOT! Crap!

Painful / magnificent to think of all the things I probably do remember from my 9-year-old year instead. Horse girls, little league, toy guns. Jesus.

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