What you refuse to look at here is the behavior of the Neo liberal left over the last 40 years. And not just in the US, also the international community headed by the nasty, pretentious and corrupt United Nations. Gaza is in the shape it’s in bc the UN allowed terrorists to build a weapon-smuggling tunnel system larger than the Paris and London metro, combined. I cannot stand how simplistic educated, white men like you on the Western left are! Open your goddamn eyes, stop being so goddamn arrogant, and you’ll see why so many people became so sold on this dangerous idiot. So stop bitching and pick up your damn bootstraps and start writing shit with integrity.

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Thus far I’ve read you as a rather level-headed essayist. This is stark raving mad, not least to mention the part about “praying” for the death of a human being and fellow American. As you know, an attempt happened, one that could have very well be incited by your words. And yet, the problem is Trump and everyone else, right?

These are the words of a hyper-anxious and lost man, and one who seems to think the literal devil is a real estate agent from NYC. The irony is that this betrays a true blackness, pride, and self-absorption in your heart. I will be saving this essay in my email as an artifact. It shows the sickness, isolation, and utter disconnectedness of so many in this country.

Wishing you the best … sincerely. It’s worth questioning if the whole world is really as broken as you think, or if you are.

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My favorite part is Michael clinging to the car roof the whole way.

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Weekend at Biden’s. 😢

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Can I get invited to your next party? While there's still time?

I'm a slogger, because depression and stubborn masochism demands it, but fuck.

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I would counter that while they're certainly believing in their great vision for the country, the Trump bunch aren't terribly clear thinkers once they're out of their echo chambers and "Think Tanks." The greatest perversity is the idea that they can pull it off in as diverse and divided a country as ours (they have no majority or mandate.) And they would need to gain control of both houses of Congress (or maybe the Supremes will negate that part of the Constitution, too) which seems unlikely as women are mad as hell (and I don't think they're going to take it.)

I, personally, don't believe they can. Can they turn the next two years into a shitshow? They can and will, but I know they won't be able to muster the troops needed to carry out anything close to the nonsense they're spouting (which again, mirrors they're living in la-la land.). And in that lies the great farce of our times: that we will all fall in line by the sheer force of their will rather than the hard, arduous work of organizing, planning, ordering/persuading, stockpiling, etc. (Does Trump even have a competent, organized transition team yet?)

(I would also point out how well the "architects" of stop the steal are making out post bullshit.)

It's all just a sick show.

If nothing else, this ongoing miasma of stupidity we call election season illustrates how bankrupt what's left of the Silent Generation and the Boomers has become (and I'm a Boomer) if our only choices are a frail old man and a crank. Next to nothing of consequence is discussed in any meaningful way: it's soundbites and lies (if nothing else, the debate brought that to us in living color). Better to wait till a hurricane or tornado or fire wipes out insurance coverage in Florida, Texas, or California to do anything about it. Better to wait until Biden dies is office or Trump loses what's left of his mind (it's coming) to seriously question how we got here. Or what to do.

As for the Supreme Court, someone should let them know that once you give immunity to the like of presidents, the first truly evil, and competent, one will have you arrested, show trialed, and replaced with lackeys.

I could go on, but it's a beautiful day out here in the NW and outside of the media bubble nobody seems too worried. Or cares.

At some point we'll have no choice but to call a constitutional convention, and then utopia.

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We are relatively lucky that our would-be fascists are such fuckups, and that Trump has no real agenda except making money, being paid attention to, and staying out of prison. I take some comfort in the hubris of the MAGA agenda/wish-list and the incompetent wackjobs who constitute their brain trust. On the other hand, they've devoted a lot of effort to dismantling the checks and balances that normally keep Presidents (and would-be autocrats) from enacting their agendas. I also take comfort in the sheer inertia and cantankerousness of the hundreds of millions of Americans who do not want their mean, stupid, sexless morality imposed on them. On the other hand, a zealous, well-organized minority can keep a much larger majority oppressed for a long time (it's not as if most Iranians are actually on board with the cruel girl-haters who run their country). In any case, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that we have nothing to worry about. And I think quite a lot of people are worryied about it, not just those "in the media bubble"—and especially people who aren't well-off straight cis white guys.

Not to say you shouldn't enjoy the nice weather. While it lasts.

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I agree that there's much to worry about and given the right circumstances and the right individuals that all that the right has tried to do might come to fruition. My biggest concerns are that little of that is addressed in any meaningful way by big media, and the Biden/Trump heatdome isn't helping.

At least for another day.

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I named it The Final Fourth.

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The "living embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect", YES. Even a semi-fascist future will require clever words and a sense of humor, so thank you for yours.

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Thank you for this. Sharing with almost everyone I know.

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Vive la resistance

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How come I wasn't invited to those parties?

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Thanks for this, Tim. As grim as things are, I find your eloquence and clear vision are themselves beacons of light in the gloom.

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you've really summed it all up, nicely (sadly)... just don't forget to enjoy a hotdog or four.

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You’re the best, best, best.

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Hey Tim.

The last time we met, you were gracious enough to share some fine scotch with me at Atomic Books. Glad you still write - it's one of the few things I have to look forward to anymore. Kreider scribblings, Don Hertzfeldt films, and the precious free time that happens to overlap with my loved ones'.

I celebrated my Fourth in the most Millenial-American way possible, working a holiday. As dire as everything is, the piece was nevertheless a highlight of the shift.

I'll be sure to bring some Good Stuff to share at the next book reading, assuming we don't all melt first.



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