The meteoritic but tragic arc of the American reign over reality keeps birthing shock and awe. Can't wait for the war against the Sun (geoengineering) to begin in earnest. The American Dream must endure!

But hey, don't do drugs!

Thanks, Tim. This is a beautiful peeling of our Schismatic Onion of Madness.

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I just popped back in here and noticed I wrote the last reply. The dreaded thread killer. I want to share a alcohol fueled Jekyll and Hyde story of my own. I am a happy drunk, but no doubt I can be a little too in your face-and apparently in a couple ladies brassiere’s this particular night. It was a windup at a bar in cottage country. We had ribs served on paper plates. When the waitress asked if I was finished-as she gestured to collect my plate-I yelled NO-flung the rib bones across the room and commenced to eat the plate.

Look for I-comment coming 🔜

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Warning: Flagrant self promotion. Great read! I'm working on a post for my own Substack.

CORN FLAKES or just flakes. Focusing on Dr. Kellogg, Ancel Keys and Harry Anslinger. Three individuals that influenced the psyche of a nation. I'm hoping all fourteen of my subscribers will enjoy. No mystery, I have no celebrity status, although train wreck (figuratively and literally) describes aspects of my life. I have all the the other credentials; Drug and alcohol addiction, risky sexual behavior and poor life choices. I might not even write it. I mostly like to start things and not follow through. I especially like coming up with clever titles for posts. Actually, I have more fun commenting. There's an idea! I'll just cross-post and comment. Look for I-Comment-launching soon-maybe?

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Their might be a conservative push for Puritan revolution, but Wet Ass Pussy gets more hits. Drugs are being normalised by corporate interests. Marketers seem to increasingly offer a sanctioned degree of permissible wildness, a constant Burning Man lite, where obedience and fun are interdependent.

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Fantastic read! Thanks

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Powerful read😎

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Goddamn! I wish I'd written this -- but the important thing is that SOMEBODY did! A beautiful, powerful meditation on sex, magic, rock & roll, and the twisted power of repression.

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Tim is one of favorite writers. If you haven't read his book "I Wrote This Book Because I Love You" -- you should. Funny, honest, and I think you'd relate. He'd be great on your podcast.

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Yes, I looked him up on your advice. Really good. Ordered two of his books as well, though I haven't started reading them yet. Looking forward to it.

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Love this post - I learned a lot!! :) ...and I just want to add, because of the title, that the Jim Thompson book The Killer Inside Me is epically good / insanely disturbing and everyone should read it. :)

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Didn't even occur to me 'til after writing the title that I'd referenced Thompson in the essay.

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